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Anke Gebhard, Viktoria Kostadinova, Asena Tekin(Düsseldorf): Teamprojekt "Three approaches to shared intention and joint action"

Kolloquium des Instituts

Im Rahmen unseres Philosophischen Kolloquiums laden wir herzlich ein zur Vorstellung des Teamprokjektes von

Anke Gebhard, Viktoria Kostadinova, Asena Tekin (Düsseldorf)

"Three approaches to shared intention and joint action"

In commonsense thinking the idea that in some actions an individual actor is not the only agent, but rather agents act collectively as a group seems to be unproblematic. However, in the current debate within the philosophy of mind there is a disagreement over the question how such collective behaviour should be analysed. In the first approach to collective intentionality we discuss, proposed by John Searle, it is argued that collective intentionality is a real, irreducible phenomenon that cannot be analysed as a mere summation of individual intentions. The contrasting notion of joint action of Michael Bratman considers it to be reducible to a net individual intentions and their interrelations. Last but not least we will discuss Stephen Butterfill's theory of joint action who employs the notion of shared goals as a starting point.

Asena Tekin, Viktoria Kostadinova und Anke Gebhard sind Studentinnen der Philosophie an der HHU Düsseldorf. Ihr Vortrag ist Teil eines Teamprojektes im Rahmen ihres Masterstudiums.

undefinedPhilosophisches Kolloquium 2014/15


10.12.2014, 18:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Institut für Philosophie
Ort: Geb. 23.21 Raum 02.22