Besuchte Konferenzen und individuelle Einladungen
- "Production & Necessity", Mainz, Januar
- "Emergence for Better Best System Laws", Stockholm, Dezember
- "A History of production & Modality", Düsseldorf, Dezember
- "Emergence for Better Best System Laws", Marburg, November
- "A History of production & Modality", Athen, GradConf, Oktober
- "Emergence for Better Best System Laws", Geneva, MoS Conference, September
- "Ernst Mach on the Self", Wien, Ernst Mach Conference, Juni
- "Emergence for Better Best System Laws", Düsseldorf, Conference of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie (GWP), März
- "A History of Production and Modality", Paris, Keynote, Metaphysics Conference, Dezember
- "Secret Connexions", Düsseldorf, Antrittsvorlesung, November
- "Emergence for Better Best System Laws", Düsseldorf, Personal Invitation, Kolloqium Lehrstuhl Prof. Gerhard Schurz, November
- "Meta2Physics", Osnabrück, GAP 9, GAP-GWP-DFG Kolloqium, September
- "Dispositions' Manifestations. Quiddities or Qualia?", Köln, Personal Invitation, Dispositions and Manifestations. Qualia & Quiddities, August
- "Emergence for Better Best System Laws", Leeds, Emergence Workshop, Juni
- "Mental Connection and Causal Modelling", Konstanz, Kommentar zu Thomas Krödel, Mai
- "Special Science Laws. Emergence & Exceptions", Bochum, Personal Invitation, Institutskolloqium, Dezember
- "Is Proprioceptive Art Possible?", Gent, Analytic Existentialism, Oktober
- "Kommentar zu Barbara Vetters Potentiality and Possibility", Berlin, G27 Kommentar zu Barbara Vetter, März
- "Die Erfahrung der Widerständigkeit der Welt als Wahrnehmung kausaler Kraft", Bonn, Personal Invitation, Institutskolloquium, Januar
- “Unzerbrechlich sein”, Düsseldorf Vorstellungsgespräch für W2 Professur, Dezember
- “Notwendigkeit, Kausalität und die Widerständigkeit der Welt”, Frankfurt Vorstellungsgespräch für W2 Professur, November
- “Mechanisms: Law Abiding After All”, Cologne Workshop: Inter-Level Relations in Cognitive Neuroscience, September
- “A Nomological Reconstruction of Mechanisms”, Helsinki, EPSA.4, August
- “Mechanisms: Law abiding after all”, Cologne Workshop with Stuart Glennan, July
- “Trouble with Properties for Better Best Systems”, Cologne Workshop: Emergence, Stability and Parthood in the Biological and Physical Sciences, June
- “Für einen gezähmten Pluralismus in der Metaphysik der Wissenschaften”, Hannover, personal invitation, Institutskolloquium, June
- “Resistance against a Loose & Separate Hume World”, Düsseldorf Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, personal invitation, April
- “Better Best System Analyses of Laws and the Trouble with Special Science Properties“, Pittsburgh, personal invitation, lunchtime talk series, March
- “De Re Necessitation is not Metaphysical Necessity“, Lincoln, Nebraska, Conference on Necessity, March
- “How much Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Science?“, Hannover, Conference of the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie (GWP), March
- “Meta-Metaphysics“, Bonn, Kolloquium Prof. Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz, January
- “Trouble with Properties for Better best Systems”, Munich, Laws of Nature Workshop, December
- “Die Erfahrung der Widerständigkeit der Welt als Wahrnehmung kausaler Kraft”, Innsbruck, Conference Vermögen und Handlung, September
- “Better Best Systems and the Issue of Ceteris Paribus Laws”, Konstanz, GAP8 (Satellite), September
- “Better Best Systems and the Issue of Ceteris Paribus Laws”, Düsseldorf, Semantics and Pragmatics of CP Conditions, June
- “Causal Determination and the Constraints of Agency”, Constance, Reality of Causation, May
- “Do Better Best Systems Accounts deliver the Metaphysics, Epistemology or Pragmatics of Laws of Nature?”, Cologne, DFG Workshop, March
- “Necessity. A Red Herring for the Dispositionalist”, Cologne, DFG Workshop, December
- “The Better Best System and the Unity of Sciences”, personal invitation Berlin HU, Departmental Research Seminar Series, November
- “The Better Best System and the Unity of Sciences”, Athens, 3rd Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association, October
- “Two Arguments against Quiddities”, Luxembourg, Powers Workshop, September
- “The Deconstruction of the Ego as an Attempt to avoid Solipsism”, Munich, DGPhil XXII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, September
- “How the limits of our agentive abilities reveal nature’s secret connection”, Berlin, Abilities, Agency, and Freedom Workshop, July
- “A nomological Reconstruction of Mechanisms”, personal invitation Utrecht University, Departmental Research Seminar Series, June
- “Primitive Normativity. A Comment on Hannah Ginsborgʼs Answer to Rule
Following Scepticism”, Luxembourg Hannah Ginsborg Workshop, May
- “Causing. A Comment on John Heil’s Dispositional Theory of Causation”, St. Louis (USA), Powers Conference, April
- “We don’t need no Necessitation”, personal invitation Innsbruck University, Departmental Research Seminar Series, March
- “A nomological Reconstruction of Mechanisms”, Köln, Workshop with Carl Craver, March
- “Mach’s Attempt to Avoid Solipsism”, Bergamo, International Conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Sciences, December
- “We don’t need no Necessitation”, personal invitation Düsseldorf University, Departmental Research Seminar Series, November
- “The Deconstruction of the Ego as an Attempt to avoid Solipsism”, personal invitation Bristol University, Departmental Research Seminar Series, June
- “A Theory for Economic Laws”, Oxford University, St Anne’s College, PPE Society, June
- “Feeling the World’s Resistance towards our Wilful Actions as Perception of Causation”, MoS workshop at Bristol University, March
- “Prolegomena to a future Dispositional Theory of Causation”, DFG workshop at Düsseldorf, March
- “Resisting Metaphysical Necessity”, MoS Workshop at Warsaw University, February
- “Can Physics be Complete if there’s no Fundamental Level in Nature?”, AAP 2009, conference of the Australasian Association of Philosophy in Melbourne, July
- “Being Indisposed”, Metaphysics of Science workshop in Melbourne, July
- “The Identity of Properties”, personal invitation City College, City University New York (CUNY), February
- “Can Physics be Complete if there’s no Fundamental Level in Nature?”, Metaphysics workshop at Granada University, February
- “Stimulus Necessitation”, MoS collaboration workshop with Max Kistler at Grenoble University, December
- “Stimulus Necessitation”, personal invitation, Mind Workshop at Bochum University (Albert Newen), November
- “The Powerlessness of Necessity”, personal invitation, Oxford Powers Conference, Oxford University (Anna Marmodoro), July
- “A Theory for Special Science Laws”, Philosophy of Chemistry and Biology Workshop, Bristol University, June
- “No Power for Necessity!” personal invitation, Hofstra University, New York (Tony Dardis, Dietmar Heidemann), May
- “Being Indisposed”, talk at Metaphysics Workshop, Münster, November
- “Schopenhauer on Creativity: Transcending the Human Condition through Aesthetic Perception”, personal invitation to St Clare’s Seminar Series at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford (Jessica Frazier), November
- “The Phenomenology of Agency and the Observability of Causation”, personal invitation, Mental Causation Conference, Lausanne (Michael Esfeld, Jens Harbecke, Georg Sparber), September
- “Armstrong’s Nomological Necessity and its Relation to Causation”, Joint Session, Bristol, July
- “The Powerlessness of Necessity”, Lund University: Metaphysics of Science Workshop, June
- “The Powerlessness of Necessity”, personal invitation, University of Tübingen (Albert Newen), February
- “The Bookkeeper and the Lumberjack: Metaphysical vs. Nomological Necessity”, XX. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, Berlin, September
- “Real Ceteris Paribus Laws”, Fifth International Conference of the Society for Analytic Philosophy, Germany (GAP 5), Bielefeld, September
- “Grounded Ceteris Paribus Laws”, Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Belfast, July
- “Dispositions and Ceteris Paribus Laws”, personal invitation, University of Osnabrück (Andreas Kamlah), July 2004
- “Dispositions and Ceteris Paribus Laws”, personal invitation, University of Bonn (Stuhlmann-Laeisz), December
- “Galileo vs. Aristotle on free falling Bodies”, Ockham Society, Oxford, October
- “Can Capacities rescue us from Ceteris Paribus Laws?”, Conference Dispositions et pouvoirs causaux, Institut Jean Nicod, Université de Nantes, Paris, September
- “Dispositional Predicates: Conditional Analysis and Normal Conditions”, Annual Oxford Philosophy Graduate Conference, November
- “Dispositionsprädikate: Konditionale Analysen und Normalbedingungen”, International Conference of the Society for Analytic Philosophy, Germany (GAP 4), Bielefeld, September