1. GWP-GAP Colloquium within the GAP9 conference, Osnabrück, September 2015 (Main organisor together with Holger Lyre; Society for Philosophy of Science in Germany (GWP) and Society for analytic Philosophy in Germany (GAP))
GAP8 Satellite-Workshop, Konstanz, September 2012 Causation and Laws in the Special Sciences. Metaphysical Foundations
DFG, Köln, July 2012 Jennifer McKitrick’s Metaphysics (with Jennifer who was a guest fellow of our DFG project)
DFG, Köln, March 2012 Dispositions, Causation, Modality
DFG, Köln, December 2011 Alexander Bird on Necessity (with Alexander who was a guest fellow of our DFG project)
AHRC, Nottingham, September 2009 Metaphysics of Science (Grand finale conference, 3 days, parallel sessions, 80 papers; successfully applied for funding of ca. £4000 from the Analysis Trust, the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, and the Mind Association)
AHRC, Nottingham, February 2008 Themes in the Metaphysics of David Armstrong (with David who was a guest fellow of our AHRC project)
AHRC, Nottingham, February 2007 Natural Kinds, Laws, Dispositions, Causation