- Naturgesetze, with Siegfried Jaag. Berlin: De Gruyer (2020)
Abstract - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language, in German with Albert Newen. Darmstadt: WBG (2008; 2013, third edition: 2019)
Abstract - Metaphysics of Science. London: Routledge (2016)
Abstract - The Metaphysics of Ceteris Paribus Laws. Berlin: De Gruyter (2007)
- Cognitive Structures: Linguistic, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives (Herausgegeben mit Thomas Gamerschlag, Tobias Kalenscher, Sebastian Löbner, Henk Zeevat) Cham (Schweiz): Springer Nature (2021)
- Meta2physics. Special Issue of the Journal for General Philosophy of Science, ed. with Julia Göhner and Kristina Engelhard (2018)
Abstract - Handbuch Metaphysik. Stuttgart: Metzler (2017)
Abstract - Hume. Epistemology and Metaphysics. Special Issue of Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, ed with Helen Beebee, Paderborn: Mentis Publisher (2010)
- Metaphysics of Science, with Julia Göhner. In: J. Fieser & B. Dowden (eds.): Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://www.iep.utm.edu/met-scie/
- ‘The Verificationist Theory of Meaning’ (essay) plus encyclopaedic entries on Law (lawfulness) and Necessity (nomological, conceptual) in U. Windhorst, M. Binder, and N. Hirowaka (eds) Encyclopaedic Reference of Neuroscience. Heidelberg: Springer (2008)
- Properties for and of Better Best Systems (2023) in Michael T. Hicks, Siegfried Jaag, und Christian Loew (Hrsg.), Humean Laws for Human agents, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- Wittgensteins Familienähnlichkeit — Interpretationen von 1960 bis heute (together with Paul Hasselkuß) in Bernhard Ritter and Dennis Sölch (eds) Wittgenstein und die Philosophiegeschichte, Freiburg: Alber Verlag (2021) 376-429
- Preface to the Special Issue “Meta2physics: New Perspectives on Analytic and Naturalised Metaphysics of Science (together with Julia F. Göhner and Kristina Engelhard). Journal for General Philosophy of Science (2018) 49:159
- The Emergence of Better Best System Laws’ in Journal for General Philosophy of Science 48.3 (2017) 469–483
- ‘Trigger Happy. Ein Kommentar zu Barbara Vetters Potentiality’ in Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 69 (2015) 396-402
Abstract/PDF - ‘Better best systems and the issue of cp-law’ in Erkenntnis 79 (2014) 1787–1799
Abstract/PDF - ‘Is Proprioceptive Art Possible’ in Graham Priest’s and Damon Young (eds) Anthology on the Philosophy of Martial Arts. Routledge (2014) 101–116
Abstract/PDF - ‘Die Erfahrung der Widerständigkeit der Welt als Wahrnehmung kausaler Kraft’, in Spann, A. S./ Wehinger, D. (eds): Vermögen und Handlung. Der dispositionale Realismus und unser Selbstverständnis als Handelnde, Münster: Mentis (2014).
Abstract/PDF - Review of ‘The Software of the Universe: an Introduction to the History and Philosophy of the Laws of Nature’ by Mauro Dorato’ in the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (2011) 225–232
Abstract/PDF - ‘Ernst Mach on the Self. The Deconstruction of the Ego as an Attempt to avoid Solipsism’, XXII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, 11. - 15. September 2011, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/12593/
Abstract/PDF - ‘Interfering with Nomological Necessity’ in The Philosophical Quarterly Vol. 61 (2011) 577–597
Abstract/PDF - ‘The Powerlessness of Necessity’ in Noûs 44:4 (2010) 725–739
Abstract/PDF - ‘Antidotes for Dispositional Essentialism’, in The Metaphysics of Powers. Their Grounding and their Manifestations. ed. by Anna Marmodoro. Abingdon: Routledge (2010) 169–181
Abstract/PDF - ‘Hic Rhodos, hic Salta. From Reductionist Semantics to a Realist Ontology of Forceful Dispositions’ in G. Damschen, R. Schnepf, K. Stueber (eds) Debating Dispositions: Issues in Metaphysics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter (2009) 145–167
Abstract/PDF - ‘The Bookkeeper and the Lumberjack: Metaphysical vs. Nomological Necessity’ in G. Abel (ed.) Kreativität. XX. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie. Sektionsbeiträge Band 1. Berlin: Universitätsverlag der Technischen Universität (2005) 849–856
Abstract/PDF - ‘Galileo vs. Aristotle on free falling Bodies’ in Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, Vol. 7 (2004) 81–89
Abstract/PDF - ‘Real Ceteris paribus Laws’ in Bluhm, R. & Nimtz, C. (eds.) Selected Papers Contributed to the Sections of GAP.5, 5th International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy, Bielefeld, 22–26 September 2003. Paderborn: mentis (2004) 108–120
Abstract/PDF - ‘Can Physics be Complete if there is no Fundamental Level?’ in dialectica 63.2 (2009) 205–208
Abstract/PDF - ‘A Theory for Special Science Laws’, in Bohse, Helen & Walter, Sven (eds.) Selected Papers Contributed to the Sections of GAP.6, 6th International Congress of the Society for Analytical Philosophy, Berlin, September 2006. Paderborn: mentis (2008) 121–131
Abstract/PDF - ‘Can Capacities rescue us from Ceteris Paribus Laws?’ in M. Kistler, B. Gnassounou (eds) Dispositions in Philosophy and Science. Aldershot: Ashgate (2007) 221–247
Also in French in M. Kistler, B. Gnassounou (eds) Les dispositions en philosophie et en sciences. Paris: CNRS Edition (2006) 147–173
- Neutraler Monismus (mit Ole Höffken) in Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (Hrsg.), Handbuch Philosophie des Geistes, Stuttgart: Metzler
Übersetzungen Englisch / Deutsch
- Michael Tye ‘The Subjective Qualities of Experience’ in H. D. Heckmann, S. Walter (eds), Qualia. Paderborn: mentis (2001) 149–174
- Martin Davies ‘Methodological Foundations for Scientific Investigations of Self-conscious Persons’ in A. Newen, K. Vogeley (eds), Selbst und Gehirn. Menschliches Selbstbewusstsein & seine neurobiologischen Grundlagen. Paderborn: mentis (2000) 149–174