Vergangene Termine
Prof. Jonah N. Schupbach (University of Utah): The Structure of Best Explanations
18.05.2021, 18:30 Uhr - 20:15 Uhr
Inference to the Best Explanation (IBE) invokes the “uniqueness claim” that exactly one explanation should be inferred when accounting for an explanandum. This [...]
Prof. Julia Staffel (University of Colorado): Transitional Attitudes and the Unmooring View of Higher-Order Evidence
11.05.2021, 18:30 Uhr - 20:15 Uhr
This paper proposes a novel answer to the question of what attitude agents should adopt when they receive misleading higher-order evidence that avoids the drawbacks [...]
Prof. Christian List (MCMP, LMU Munich): Dynamically rational judgement aggregation
04.05.2021, 18:30 Uhr - 20:15 Uhr
Judgment-aggregation theory has always focused on the attainment of rational collective judgments. But so far, rationality has been understood in static terms: as [...]
Prof. Gerhard Schurz (Univ. Düsseldorf): Sicherheit auf Kosten von Freiheit und Lebensqualität? Fragen zum Umgang mit Pandemien
27.04.2021, 18:30 Uhr - 20:15 Uhr
Dr. Maria Sekatskaya (Univ. Düsseldorf): Supervenient Fixity and Agential Possibilities
20.04.2021, 18:30 Uhr - 20:15 Uhr
One of the central problems within the free will debate consists in the seeming incompatibility of an agent's ability to do otherwise and determinism. Recently, [...]