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Nina Nicolin: "Trope-Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Field Theory - A Case Study of Inductive Metaphysics"

Philosophie Philosophie II Forschungsseminar

The Seniorprofessorship Gerhard Schurz kindly invites you to attend the talks by Gerhard Schurz and Nina Nicolin within the Research Colloquium on 08.11.2022.

Nina Nicolin, BA
(HHU Düsseldorf)
19:30 – 21:00 Uhr, Raum: 24.53 01.81
Trope-Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Field Theory – A Case Study of Inductive Metaphysics

In quantum field theory (QFT), Kuhlmann (2010) suggested to interpret particles as bundles of tropes. Metaphysics, so far, lacks an empirical foundation for a trope ontological approach. In the framework of inductive metaphysics (IM), the findings derived from empirical data are part of an essential basis for theory formation. If one wants to justify trope ontology of QFT in the sense of the IM programme (and not merely ‘purely metaphysically’), it must be shown that a ‘bundle understanding’ of particles can be justified by empirical data. Therefore, a metaphysical discussion of the ‘Cheshire Cat Effect’ demonstrated in recent experiments, which show that one can separate a particle's properties from each other in a matter-wave interferometer, is relevant for trope theoretical interpretation of quantum particles.


Nina Nicolin studies physics and philosophy at HHU, Düsseldorf. Currently, she is a research fellow of the DFG research group Inductive Metaphysics at the institute of philosophy at HHU. Her research interests are in the field of philosophy of physics, philosophy of science and metaphysics.


08.11.2022, 19:30 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr