Herzliche Einladung zum Vortrag im Rahmen des Philosophischen Kolloquiums Praktische Philosophie von
Prof. Dr. Axel Grosseries
(Universität Louvain)
Zum Vortragsinhalt:
Many people share the view that preventing those under 18 from voting is not as problematic as disenfranchising women or specific “racial” groups. The same holds if we compare the prohibition on child labour or practices of age-based compulsory retirement, with the exclusion from the job market of women or of certain “racial” groups. This presentation will critically discuss three possible sets of reasons that may explain and justify why age is - and/or should be - treated differently by anti-discrimination law, compared to other suspect grounds such as “race” or gender. It will aim at contributing to the identification of the distinctiveness of age from the perspective of a theory of justice.
Zur Person:
Axel Gosseries is a Maitre de recherches at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique and a Professor at Louvain University (Hoover Chair, UCL, Belgium). He works in the field of political philosophy and especially on (1) issues of intergenerational justice, (2) the respective role of states and firms, (3) ethical challenges to tradable quotas schemes, and (4) the political philosophy of information.
He is the author of Penser la justice entre les générations (Aubier-Flammarion, 2004) and the co-editor of three books including one on intellectual property issues (Palgrave 2008) and another on issues of intergenerational justice (OUP, 2009). He is the author of more than 50 articles and chapters in philosophy, law and economics books and journals.