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Prof. Danil Razeev (St. Petersburg State University): Can Neuroscience Measure Free Will?

Research Seminar Theoretical Philosophy


Do we have free will and why should we care? This question has been one of the most fascinating and widely- B. Libet’s classic experiment and C. S. Soon & J.-D. Haynes’ fMRI experiment). Secondly, to raise some conceptual objections against the experiments and discuss whether contemporary neuroscience can measure free will.


Danil Razeev is a professor of philosophy at St. Petersburg State University. He received his PhD from St. Petersburg Most of his recent publications are available in Russian journals for philosophy and neuroscience (I. P. Pavlov Journal of Higher Nervous Activity, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Voprosy Filosofii).



04.06.2019, 18:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
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