Anna Schriefl
Main areas of work
- Plato
- Aristotle
- Stoics
- History of philosophy
Further interests
- Social and moral philosophy
About (CV)
2023 | Appointment as Professor of the History of Philosophy at Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf |
2021-2023 | Research Associate, Humboldt University Berlin |
2020 | Invited Guest Professor (Junior) at ZAZH - Centre for Ancient Studies, University of Zurich |
2010-2020 | Research Associate, University of Bonn |
2017-2020 | Feodor-Lynen Research Fellow, New School for Social Research, New York |
2010-2020 | Research Associate, University of Bonn, Assistant to the Chair of Practical Philosophy and Philosophy of Antiquity (Prof. Dr. Christoph Horn) |
2016 | DFG Fellow and Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford |
2015/16 | Visiting Researcher, Research Training Group 'Philosophy, Science and the Sciences', Humboldt University, Berlin |
You can find a detailed curriculum vitae here:
- Platons Kritik an Geld und Reichtum. De Gruyter: Berlin 2013.
- Stoische Philosophie. Eine Einführung. Reclam Universalbibliothek: Ditzingen 2019.
- Spanish: La filosofía de los estoicos. Una introducción. Madrid 2022. [Translated by Luciano Elizaincín]
Collected volumes
- Kindler Kompakt: Philosophie der Antike. Metzler: Stuttgart 2016.
Christoph Horn, Jörn Müller, Joachim Söder (edd.), with the collaboration of Anna Schriefl and Simon Weber: Platon Handbuch. Life, Work, Impact. Stuttgart 2009 [revised edition 2017].
- "Cephalus as a Role Model for the Producers in the Republic" in B. Castelnerac, L. Gili and L. Monteils-Laeng, Foreign Influences: The Circulation of Knowledge in Antiquity (Brepols). Forthcoming.
- "Armut in der griechisch-römischen Antike" in Clemens Sedmak, Gottfried Schweiger, Handbuch Philosophie und Armut. Stuttgart 2021, 71-77.
- "Sind die Erwerbstätigen in Platons Politeia tugendhaft?" in Sabine Föllinger, Evelyn Korn, Of Best and Second Best Rules: Platonic and Contemporary Perspectives on Individual and State Well-Being. Wiesbaden 2019, 213-227.
- "Plato on the Incompatibility of Wealth and Justice. The Property Arrangements in the Republic." History of Political Thought 39, 2018, 193-215.
- "„Einleitung" in Kindler Kompakt: Philosophie der Antike. Stuttgart 2016, 9-30.
- "Das philosophische Leben als das gute Leben: die Positionen von Sokrates und Platon" in H. Fechtrup, W. Hoye, T. Sternberg, Arbeit - Freizeit - Muße. Berlin et. al. 2015, 31-56.
- "Die Wirtschaftsordnung und die richtige Einstellung zu Besitz und Reichtum in C. Horn, Plato - Nomoi. Klassiker Auslegen. Berlin 2013, 105-122.
- "Interpenetration. Zum Verhältnis von Mensch und sozialem System" in D. Horster, Luhmann - Social Systems. Klassiker Auslegen. Berlin 2013, 73-87.
- "Platons Kritik am Gelderwerb" in P. Seele, Ökonomie, Politik und Ethik in der Praktischen Philosophie der Antike. Berlin 2012, 29-48.
- "Glück" in C. Horn, J Müller, J. Söder, Plato Handbook. Life, Work, Impact. Stuttgart 2009, 284-288.
- "Euripides Heracles 1970-2000". In: Lustrum 47, 2005, 319-364.
- George Wilson, Gründe als Ursachen für Handlungen [Reasons as causes for action, 1997]. In: Christoph Horn and Guido Löhrer (edd.): Die Wiederentdeckung teleologischer Handlungserklärung. Frankfurt a. M. 2010, 112-138.
- Étienne Helmer (ed.): Richesse et pauvreté chez les philosophes de l’Antiquité. Tradition de la pensée classique. Paris 2016. In: Gnomon 92, 2019, 205-209.
- Sabine Föllinger: Ökonomie bei Platon. Berlin 2016. In: H-Soz-Kult, 27.11.2017, <>.
- Michael Krewet: Die Stoische Theorie der Gefühle. Ihre Aporien. Ihre Wirkmacht. Heidelberg 2013. In: Gnomon 88, 2016, 545-547.
- Maximilian Forschner: Platons Euthyphron. Göttingen 2013. In: Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 68, 2014, 255-259.
- Michael Bordt: Platons Theologie, Freiburg 2006. In: Theologie und Philosophie 82, 2007, 399-401.
- Plato's Magic. Category: Book for Life. UZH Magazine 4/2020.
- Self-education to become a cosmopolitan. On the Ideals of the Stoa and the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. In: The Blue Rider 46, 2020, 22-27.
- Surrogacy and the Costs of Social Reproduction. Published 2019 on Praefaktisch, ed. Norbert Paulo and Gottfried Schweiger (University of Salzburg).
- Was Plato wrong in his criticism of the Sophists? Published 2014 on: Philosophy Indebate, ed. Research Institute for Philosophy Hanover.
- Reconstructing a Thousand Threads. A. Schriefl and M. Schwartz in conversation with the Leibniz Prize winner Oliver Primavesi about his work on the texts of the Pre-Socratics. In: Information Philosophie 04/2007, 126-131.
- A. Schriefl, M. Schwartz: Round Table Talks: Presentation of Dissertation Projects in the Field of Ancient Philosophy. In: M. Erler (ed.), Argument and Literary Form in Ancient Philosophy. Akten des 3. Kongresses der Gesellschaft für antike Philosophie 2010. Berlin/Boston 2013, 565-579.