Editorial Work, Refereeing
- GAP’s (the Society for Analytic Philosophy in Germany) Referee for the Stegmüller-Prize: Philosophy of Science Section (2012-2018)
- Programme Committee: ESSLLI 2013 in Düsseldorf – Workshop on Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics
- Referee for Student Admissions to the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes: Auswahlseminare)
- Editor at philpapers.org for Laws of Nature and all Subcategories (since 2009)
- Review Editor for the Journal Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse
(since 2005) (History of Philosophy and Logical Analysis)
- Referee for
Acta Analytica, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Dialectica, Erkenntnis, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, Mind, The Monist, Philosophia, Philosophical Quarterly, Philosophy Compass, Synthese, Theoria
- Programme Committee: Workshop on Vagueness in Communication, July 2009 in Bordeaux, France
Organisation of Academic Societies
- Philosophisches Kolloquium, Universität zu Köln (2010/11)
- Jowett Philosophical Society, Oxford University (2002-2004)
- Bonner Colloquium, debating society, Bonn University (1995-2000)
Membership in Academic Societies
- Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie, Deutschland (GAP)
(German Society for Analytic Philosophy) - Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie, Deutschland (GWP)
(Germany’s Philosophy of Society Association) - Deutscher Hochschulverband, Deutschland (DHV)
(German Association of University Professors and Lecturers) - Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (alumnus), Deutschland
(German National Academic Foundation) - The Society for the Metaphysics of Science