Benedict Kenyah-Damptey
Research Interests
- AOS: Dehumanization; Social Cognition, Philosophy of Race and Racism, Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science
- AOC: Social and Political Philosophy, Social Metaphysics, the Philosophy of Michel Foucault
- M.A. in Philosophy
Thesis: Social Identity and Dehumanization. How Self‐Categorization and Group Membership Shape Forms of Racism
Supervisor: Leda Berio, PhD / Prof. Dr. Gottfried Vosgerau - B.A. in Philosophy
Thesis: Foucaults Theorie der Macht [Foucault’s Theory of Power]
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Frank Dietrich / Dr. Ulrike Hinke‐Dörnemann
Beginning in Fall 2020 | Research and teaching fellow [Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter], Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) |
Spring 2018 | Lecturer, HHU |
Fall 2022 | Philosophische und sozialpsychologische Theorien der Diskriminierung [Philosophical and Social-Psychological Theories of Discrimination], HHU. |
Spring 2022 | Rassismus: ein unkämpfter Begriff ["Racism: A Contested Concept"] (with Dr. Daniel James), HHU. |
Spring 2022 | Aspekte der Philosophie Sally Haslangers: Gender, Race und soziale Konstruktion ["Aspects of Sally Haslanger’s Philosophy: Gender, Race, and Social Construction"], HHU. |
Spring 2022 | Gender, Race und soziale Konstruktion ["Gender, Race, and Social Construction"] (Philosophy, Politics and Economics course), HHU |
Fall 2021 | Empatie und Mentalisieren: Wie verstehen wir andere? ["Empathy and Mentalizing: How do we understand others?"], HHU. |
Spring 2021 | The Semantics, Metaphysics and Politics of Race (with Dr. Leda Berio and Dr. Daniel James), HHU. |
Fall 2020 | “I can't breathe”: Sozialpsychologische und philosophische Theorien rassistischernDiskriminierung [“I can’t breathe”: Social Psychological and Philosophical Theories of Racist Discrimination], HHU. |
Spring 2018 | Foucault – Überwachen und Strafen [Foucault – Dicipline and Punish], HHU. |
Fall 2017 | Faucaults Hermeneutik des Subjekts [Faucault’s Hermeneutics of the Subject] (together with Dr. Dennis Sölch), HHU. |
Fall 2016 | Genealogische Denkbewegungen – Nietzsche und Foucault [Genealogical Styles of Thought – Nietzsche and Foucault] (together with Dr. Hans Malmede), HHU. |
Spring 2016 | Tutorial: “Basisseminar: Immanuel Kant – Kritik der Urteilskraft” [Undergraduate Seminar: Immanuel Kant – Critique of Judgement], HHU. |
- Baston, René; Kenyah‐Damptey, Benedict (2020) ‘Unintentional Trolling: How Subjects Express Their Prejudices Through Made‐up Stories’, Philosophy & Technology, online first.‐020‐00425‐4.
- Kenyah‐Damptey, Benedict (2018) ‘Rezension zu: “Ulrich Bröckling: Gute Hirten führen sanft”’, Zeitschrift für philosophische Literatur, 6(3), pp. 56–64.
- Kenyah‐Damptey, Benedict (2016) ‘Nietzsche/Foucault – Die Funktion des “spezifischen Intellektuellen” im Werk Michel Foucaults im Hinblick auf das Denken des Politischen’, Nietzschestudien, 23(1), pp. 179–188.
April-September 2022 | HHU Citizen’s University project “Rassismus: ein umkämpfter Begriff” [“Racism: A Contested Concept”], with Dr. Daniel James. Funding: 25.000 €. |
April 2021-September 2022 | HHU Citizen’s University project “‘Rasse’: Zur Aushandlung eines belasteten deutschen Ausdrucks” [“’‘Rasse – Negotiating a Fraught German Term’”], with Dr. Leda Berio and Dr. Daniel James. Funding: 59.821 €. Project website: https://das‐r‐ |
08.10.2021 | “Race and Rasse: Comparing Conceptions of Race in Germany and the United States.” Talk given with Dr. Daniel James, and Dr. Leda Berio at 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) Annual Meeting 2021, panel “Same Same but Different: Race and Racializations across National, Disciplinary and Temporal Contexts” chaired by Tino Plümecke and Andrea zur Nieden on 8 October 2021 (online event). |
20.12.2017 | “Foucault und die Ethik der Technologien des Selbst: Eine theoretische Verschiebung.” [Foucault and the Ethics of the Technologies of the Subject: A Theoretical Shift.] Talk given at the colloquium of the Institute for Philosophy at the Heinrich‐Heine‐Universität Düsseldorf on 20 December 2017. |
16. ‑ 18.09.2015 | “Nietzsche/Foucault. Die Figur des spezifischen Intellektuellen im Werk Michel Foucaults.” [Nietzsche/Foucault. The Figure of the Specific Intellectual in the Work of Michel Foucault.] Talk given at the 23. “Nietzsche‐Werkstatt‐Schulpforta: ‘Nietzsche und das Politische’” [Nietzsche‐ Workshop‐Schulpforta: ‘Nietzsche and the Political’], 16‐18 September 2015, directed by: Prof. Dr. Martin Saar (Frankfurt); organizer: Friedrich‐Nietzsche‐Stiftung – Nietzsche‐Gesellschaft e. V. |
19.07.2022 | Co‐organizer (with Dr. Daniel James): Workshop “Rassismus: ein umkämpfter Begriff” [“Racism: A Contested Concept”] at Schloss Mickeln (HHU), Düsseldorf on July 19th 2022. With talks by Viktoria Knoll, Deborah Mühlebach, Steffen Koch, Philipp Haueis, and Morgan Thompson. |
03.03.2022 | Co‐organizer (with Dr. Leda Berio, and Dr. Daniel James): online Mini‐Workshop “Das R‐Wort: Philosophische Perspektiven auf einen belasteten deutschen Ausdruck” [“The R‐Word: PhilosophicalPerspectives on a Fraught German Term”] on March 3rd 2022. With talks by Daniel James, Leda Berio, Benedict Kenyah‐Damptey, and David Ludwig. |
04./05.10.2021 | Co‐organizer (with Dr. Leda Berio, and Dr. Daniel James): online Workshop “Race and Racism - ‘Rasse’ und Rassismus” on October 4th/5th 2021. With talks by Nahed Samour, Anna Danilina, Michael Thomas, Yoko Arisaka, Lillian Cicerchia, Robin Celikates, Cengiz Barskanmaz, Tereza Hendl, and Jacob Blumenfeld. |
German: native | English: fluent | Japanese: intermediate | French: basic knowledge |