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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//TYPO3/NONSGML Calendar Base (cal) V1.11.1//EN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT UID:www.hhu.de_248_25838 DTSTAMP:20210507T111036 DTSTART:20210623T160000Z DTEND:20210623T173000Z CATEGORIES:Veranstaltungen SUMMARY:Michael Hardimon (UCSD): “Disentangling Race and Racism” DESCRIPTION:We are delighted to invite you to the second meeting of our Düsseldorf Colloquium on the Philosophy of Race. This time\, Michael Hardimon will present his talk “Disentangling Race and Racism” (abstract below). It will take place on Webex at 6 pm CET / 5 pm GMT / 12 pm EST / 9 PST\, on Wednesday\, June the 23rd.\r\n\r\nIf you’re interested in participating\, please send a message to Daniel James. For further information\, see https://das-r-wort.com/events .\r\n\r\nWe hope to see you there!\r\n\r\nAbstract:\r\n\r\nRace and racism— the words\, the concepts\, and the phenomena they refer to—are often confused. I would like to show how they can be distinguished and indicate some advantages of maintaining a sharp separation between them. This will involve charting a path from a familiar racist race concept to a less familiar non-racist concept. I will also show how the distinction between race and racism can be maintained even after the way in which racism is implicated in the constitution of the phenomenon of social race is recognized. LOCATION:Virtuell ORGANIZER;CN="Leda Berio, Daniel James Țurcaș, Benedict Kenyah-Damptey": END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
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