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Michael Thomas (Susquehanna University / Free University Berlin): Du Bois and the Social Aesthetics of Race


Im Rahmen des Düsseldorf Colloquium on the Philosophy of Race laden wir herzlich ein zu einem Vortrag von

Michael Thomas (Susquehanna University / Free University Berlin): Du Bois and the Social Aesthetics of Race


Du Bois' famous question, "How does it feel to be a problem?," points to the role of race in experience, both as a division between races and within racialized peoples. This question also points to a wider role of the experience of race in Du Bois' early work, which traverses the ontological, epistemic, and socio-political dimensions of the concept. In this talk, I will argue that the aesthetic dimension of race and of Du Bois' work links these dimensions together into a theory of racialization grounded in sensual experience. This theory serves as a starting point for taking an aesthetic approach to the politics of race that avoids the pitfalls of psychological and structural approaches that bifurcate the conceptual and material dimensions of race from reality.

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21.07.2021, 18:00 Uhr - 19:30 Uhr
Ort: Virtuell
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