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Workshop: The Philosophy of Clark Glymour (June 12 - 15, 2013)

Symposium: The Philosophy of Clark Glymour

Clark Glymour is a key figure in philosophy of science since decades. In particular, his philosophical contributions to causation and (probabilistic) modeling of scientific inquiry shaped the discussion in the respective fields. The present symposium focuses on Clark Glymour's philosophy. First, Clark Glymour will give a taste of his present philosophical enterprise in a keynote lecture. Then, further speakers will discuss individual aspects of his philosophy.

Date: June 13 - June 15, 2013

Building 23.21, Floor 0, Room HS 3F (Keynote Lecture)
Building 16.11, Floor 1, Sitzungssaal 1 (Symposium)

Matthias Unterhuber, Alexander Gebharter, and Gerhard Schurz

Poster (pdf)

Clark Glymour Fellowship at the DCLPS

Video recordings of the workshop

Photos of the workshop

The workshop is organized as part of the DFG (German Research Foundation) research group FOR 1063 Causation, Laws, Dispositions, and Explanation at the Interface of Science and Metaphysics.

Attendance is open to all. If you plan to attend, please contact us: dclps@phil.hhu.de


Clark Glymour (CMU, Pittsburgh), Frederick Eberhardt (CMU, Pittsburgh), Alexander Gebharter (Düsseldorf), York Hagmayer (Göttingen), Stephan Hartmann (LMU, Munich), Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (Cologne), Conor Mayo-Wilson (LMU, Munich), Paul Näger (Bremen), Gerhard Schurz (Düsseldorf), Matthias Unterhuber (Düsseldorf), and Sylvia Wenmackers (Groningen).


Thursday, June 13th

(Keynote Lecture, Building 23.21, Floor 0, Room HS 3F)


Clark Glymour (CMU, Pittsburgh): Brain Troubles

Friday, June 14th

(Invited Talks, Building 16.11,Floor 1, Sitzungssaal 1)


Gerhard Schurz (Düsseldorf) & Alexander Gebharter (Düsseldorf):
Causality as a Theoretical Concept


Frederick Eberhardt (CMU, Pittsburgh): The Search for Causes


Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (Cologne): Actual Causation and Causal Intuitions


Matthias Unterhuber (Düsseldorf):
Does Formal Learning Espouse Laws of Nature, Ceteris Paribus?


Sylvia Wenmackers (Groningen):
On Glymour´s Problem of Old Evidence: A New Theory for Theory Change


Stephan Hartmann (LMU, Munich):
New Solutions to the Old Evidence Problem

Saturday, June15th

(Invited Talks, Building 16.11, Floor 1, Sitzungssaal 1)


Paul Näger (Bremen): Causal Unfaithfulness and Quantum Experiments


York Hagmayer (Göttingen): Causal Bayes Nets in the Psychology of Causal Learning and Reasoning: Theoretical Inspirations and Empirical Challenges


Conor Mayo-Wilson (LMU, Munich): When is Clark Glymour´s Brain like a Planet? Causation on "Macro" and "Micro" Scales