Im Rahmen unseres Philosophischen Kolloquiums laden wir herzlich ein zum Lunch Time Talk mit einem Vortrag von
Greg Bognar (Stockholm):
A New Argument against Moral Relativism
I present an argument against moral relativism. My argument proceeds in three steps. First, since there are many views that go by the name of moral relativism, I begin by identifying my target. I argue that moral relativism is a realist, cognitivist, and naturalist metaethical view.
Second, I spend some time clarifying how an argument against this view can be constructed. Because standard defenses of moral relativism are an admixture of conceptual and empirical claims (concerning, typically, alleged facts about moral diversity and disagreement), sorting out what counts as admissible evidence or support against relativism is actually a complex task. Third, I present my argument. I show an example of moral norms that applies to all moral agents. I present and interpret the evidence for this norm, and then I explain how it can be used to build an argument against moral relativism. I conclude by defending my argument from some possible objections.
Dr. Greg Bognar is Senior Lecturer in Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University and a Senior Researcher at the Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics (CHE). His interests are in ethics and political philosophy. He is the author, with Iwao Hirose, of The Ethics of Health Care Rationing, published by Routledge.
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