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Dr. Christian Feldbacher-Escamilla (Univ. Cologne): Conceptual Engineering and Abduction

Aus den Instituten Forschungsseminar Theoretische Philosophie Forschungsseminar

Change ot time! New timeslot: 16-17:45


This paper investigates virtues of creative abductive concept formation and its application to conceptual engineering. It is shown that virtues of the abductive framework are in line with conditions of adequacy put forward in conceptual engineering. It is argued that a widened interpretation of the Carnapian conditions, i.e. the similarity, the exactness, the fruitfulness, and the simplicity requirement, is still guiding revisionary projects. It is then outlined that the latter three of the Carnapian conditions have a direct match in creative abductive concept formation, but that also the requirement of similarity has relevant bearing on the issue.


Christian Feldbacher-Escamilla is a member of the Faculty of the philosophy department of the University of Cologne and external fellow of the Duesseldorf Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science; Recent publications: "The Many Faces of Generalizing the Theory of Evolution" (APQ, 2021), "Cultural Inheritance in Generalized Darwinism" (PoS, 2020) both together with K. Baraghith, "An Optimality-Argument for Equal Weighting" (Synthese, 2020).


29.06.2021, 16:00 Uhr - 17:45 Uhr
Institut für Theoretische Philosophie